JABR Scholarship Fund

The JABR Scholarship Fund was created in loving memory of Jessica Ann Bonney Reveley, a longtime Grace Covenant Child Development Center parent and Board member. Jess was a beacon of playfulness, faithfulness, hard work, community service, and compassion. She was also a tireless champion of GCCDC scholarship opportunities. Jess's family and the GCCDC Board created the JABR Scholarship Fund in 2020 as an endowed fund to help alleviate the financial burden of paying tuition for childcare at the GCCDC, according to need-based criteria set and administered by the Board.

Donations to the JABR Scholarship Fund are deeply appreciated by Jess's family and the entire GCCDC community. You can support the JABR Scholarship Fund by donating to Grace Covenant through this link (select "Give to JABR Scholarship Fund for CDC").

You can also make a check out to "Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church" with the memo line "JABR Scholarship Fund." Checks can be mailed to Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 1627 Monument Ave, Richmond, VA, 23220.

All donations are tax-deductible. Please contact Nelson Reveley at reveley@gcpcrva.org with any questions.