Prospective Families

Classrooms and Ages

Infants + Blue Walkers: 2-18 months

Toddler 1A + 1B: Approaching 2 years old - 2 1/2 years old

Toddler 2: 2 1/2 years old - 3 years old

Advanced Toddlers + Early Pre-K: Potty Trained - 4 years old

Pre-Kindergarten: 5 Years old and ready for kindergarten next year

Interested in Enrolling?

In some classes, we have immediately availability but in others we have Waitlists. Please Contact Us to inquire about classroom availability. We’ll ask you to return the Waitlist application with a $50 payment if necessary.

Accepted and need to register?

If you have been notified your child’s enrollment has been accepted, please complete and return the Registration Packet forms before the child’s first day.